Breaking News: Perry Hall melee

There was Columbine. Then there was Virginia Tech. Northern Illinois University. The theatre opening of The Dark Knight Rises. And now there’s been another one. This time, it’s much closer to home for all of us in Baltimore. On the first day of school, Monday the 27th, a 15-year-old student opened fire in the crowded […]

Tales that never made Urbanite: Turning Point

Note: Too much time has elapsed on doing the review of Karmin: Hello. The album came out in June and it is now August, so I will be posting something else. Every month or so, I will post a little nonfiction tale in less than 400 words, something based on a topic created by Baltimore’s […]

Sherlock: the explosive second season

First off, not only am I a struggling, starving writer and musical duchess of karaoke, I love reading. It is a requirement that all struggling writers must read about things they love to write about. They have to be genuine in their own style of writing, such as (dare I say, because I’m not fond […]

What not to do at… the writer’s job interview

I just finished my first job interview in six months. The employer said I was doing well with my brief interview, though I was hoping it would be a little longer for me to really show what I could do. But he insisted that he would only stick around to talk to me for five […]