Tales that never made Urbanite: Bedtime Stories

A tale I wrote in the beginning of my last semester at Towson University in 2011. Every month or so, I will post a little nonfiction tale in less than 400 words, something based on a topic created by Baltimore’s free Urbanite magazine for their “What You’re Writing” section. Here’s what I’m writing for this […]

This post gave me a little more courage to keep writing. But I really wonder if it may be true that soon there will be no more books because everything is going digital. What’s next? A world like the late Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451? I should hope not. Take a look at this article and […]

You job-seeking monkey, you

For more on the blog post, follow this link: Dance You Job-Seeking Monkey! Dance!. It seems that only yesterday when I was 12 years old, I was watching the biggest game for Baltimoreans. It was the Super Bowl that the Ravens won, where I found my inner football fan in 2001. I even remember the homecoming award ceremony for […]

Musical Duchess reviews: Owl City’s “The Midsummer Station”

It’s usually my dad who finds the great music and all the new trends coming up every year. He discovers everything from comic book movies like The Avengers and Spiderman to the latest music craze. He heard of Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe” well before I did and I still haven’t heard of that […]